Blog: What you should know about Google's Content Update

Yenny Espinal / October 4, 2022

With the new Google Content update, you will no longer be able to get traffic with search engine-based content. Continue reading this blog to find ways to attract a higher flow toward your Web page.

On August 25th, the Google update was announced, which took two weeks to be implemented. Since then, website owners have witnessed a drastic decrease in the influx of visitors. The new algorithm promotes ‘people first’ content to provide value to the audience. 

With Google’s new helpful content update, they have provided webpage owners advice on how to make their content more people-friendly. To adapt to the changes, we bring you this guide that will help divert a larger flow of people toward your site. 

Here’s what you have to do to ensure your content secures a higher place in google ranking. 

Create People-First Content

In order to gain maximum user interaction after the Google update; you need to align your content with the needs of your audience. By creating people-first content, your focus shifts from posting search engine-based content to providing relevant information and value to the people. Rather than cashing out on trends and hacking the algorithm, you should prioritize developing valuable content for those consuming it.

This approach will not only benefit you in the form of user engagement and overall increased traffic but will also significantly impact customer experience, which is essential for the success of any business organization. Now that we’ve sung enough praise for the people-first content strategy, let’s talk and discuss the actual questions. How do we begin? How exactly do you develop content from the audience’s point of view? 

Don’t stray too far from your main topic

We all know that sometimes by following search engine algorithms, we end up developing content out of our area of expertise. This lowers the quality of the published articles and results in dissatisfactory experiences for the consumer. 

Suppose you’re running a lifestyle blog and cash out on an opportunity to publish a high-volume keyword article on a trending celebrity-gossip issue. You will disappoint your existing customer who comes to your webpage looking for content related to lifestyle.

Don’t combine multiple topics

We cannot emphasize this enough. Find a niche and then stick to it. This advice by Google is much bigger than just the new update. For your website to be well recognized by the netizens, you need to provide them with specific high-quality content. The attempt to be all things at once will end up costing you an arm and a leg. 

Aside from it being unpleasant for the visitors, such a chaotic webpage can be too complicated for search engines to understand. It is always suggested to develop your website around one subject and grow from there. If you want to explore other areas, you always have the option of building another website. 

If you can do it once, you can do it again!

Provide sufficient Answers to your Users

It is crucial for you to understand that Google is now interested in promoting content that aids in providing the consumer with factual information that teaches them something about the subject of their interest. 

Search engine-based content revolves around writing a lot of fluff without actually saying anything of substance. When planning your content, prioritize answering questions and resolving the concerns that led people to your webpage. 

Design your content to contain factual information from more reliable sources than other competitive sites. Aim to provide more value to your audience instead of adding fluff running after ‘the desirable word count.’ 

Just so you are aware, Google has no preferred word count.

Focus on Consumer Experience

While putting up content on the web, it should always be one of your top aims to ensure that your audience doesn’t leave your webpage thinking that another site would have provided them with better assistance.

You could follow all of Google’s guidelines and still be unable to win netizens’ loyalty. Instead of beating yourself up, explore the internet, look at pages of the same niche and try to identify the main differences. The problem at hand may be as harmless as not providing enough visual demonstration in the form of pictures and videos.

Provide Factually Correct Information 

Readers perhaps hate nothing more than learning something from a blog for them to discover it as false later on. To build loyalty and trust, you must ensure that you provide your audience with the most up-to-date information from authentic sources. 

If something is rumored or has not been confirmed by the source, make sure to present it as such in your text to maintain transparency.

Avoid Search First Content

We know this seems like a no-brainer at this point, but we really need to put it out there. In all circumstances, steer away from producing any sort of search-first content in your text. One of Google’s main concerns is ensuring that the promoted content is written for humans, aiming to help and assist them instead of achieving a higher ranking through a search engine. To optimize the SEO metrics, align your content with the interest of your audience, whether it is to develop lengthy buyer guides, short product reviews or blog posts.

Stay up to date with the new google guidelines

Google comes up with new updates every now on then. Whether it is a minor one or one as significant as this one, it will have some impact on your website. It is crucial for you to constantly stay up to speed regarding all of them to ensure you make the wisest decision that can benefit you the most. 

You can follow pages posting Google’s advice and guidelines to make sure you don’t miss out on anything important. 

The Ending Note

Since creating content is so subjective, compiling a proper cheat sheet is impossible to ensure maximum traffic. However, we believe the bits of advice we have provided will come in handy for scoring rather high on the Google search. 

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